Sunday, October 26, 2008

Blog #9

Today I read yet another political article written in this months issue of Vogue titled Politics and Poise. The picture above the article intreaged me before iI had even read the title, a roup of well dressed women ranging in ages from 6 to 86 all looking like they were related. As I started to read the article it was amazing as how much they can realte diferent political parties with the women in the familys of the nominies and the nominiees themselves (Sarah Palin). That how even without knowing Palin is going to be the republicans vice-pres nomination they have a big article and photo shoot with her last winter. hmmm was this somehow telling the world sothing that was coming?????? Well either way the coming election will be a very intenese and exciting. There is many more regitered voter that are going to vote Nov. 4th and even in some states have already startered voting, it will be a monumental day either way and will go down in hitory!

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