Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog #2 Overcoming struggle of facing a difficulty!!

Being part of an urban community it is hard to imagine a place with out electricity let alone running water well that is the truth of many small villages in Alaska. Through read the article entitled "Remote and Struggling, but Still a Bit of America" I found out a lot about present day Alaskans and how they live. Well I did not think Alaskans still actually lived in little huts and hunted moose and salmon for all there meals, i thought they had developed more then that but guess again. "Past a fish camp at the river bank, where caught salmon are cleaned and smoked, with carcasses saved for mush dogs. Past the boat he uses to travel hundreds of miles in search of moose and bear and caribou. Past small ducks that he says make for good soup." Can you imagine almost all of your meals u have to hunt, kill, cook, and eat??? People would be a lot less busy with sports and homework. Everyday people have there own little struggles like not having food on the table, but there is always a way to over come them you just have to try. Like in Alaska they have many elements against them while there doing there daily routines, but it doesn't mean that there wont be food it just might take longer and there might be less time to do a fun activity.

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