Thursday, April 16, 2009

Reflection of Marley & Me

Right now I have started to read Marley and Me by John Grogan, I was drawn to this book not just for the love of dos but from how many people said they loved it. It also helps when someone in the same house already has a book you wanna read!! So far i am already to chapter 6 I can barely put my book down when I'm reading (only when i fall asleep:0). Already I can tell Marley will have a great effect on this couple and there possible family. I would like to see the movie very soon but this is the kinda of story you read before you see it. I haven't cried yet but I can almost count on some by the end of the novel.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blog #3 A culture different from your own

Mid-west you see lots of corn in Africa you see lots of rice. There is different types o farming and different things being farmed all over the world. In Edina there isn't really any farming maybe some veggie gardens but nothing that compares to acres of farming. I have friends who live only an hour away that live on a farm, all the kids go to school and live normal life's but tend to miss a good amount of classes due to the care of the farm. There family's farm produces both food for there family as well as for others in the community. If a storm or tornado would go Thur there town it would most likely ruin there crops and loose a huge part of there income for that year, but they do have other fall backs and a different job their family won't suffer that much , but in Africa its different. In Africa if you go into the rice farming business and a storm or is disease wipes out your crops your screwed!! There is no fall back people end up in debt and whomever there indebted to takes everything. “We don’t have any control of the market,” he said. “There is huge volatility, and that makes it very difficult to protect their investments.” Africans loose everything they have if something goes bad. Living in Edina creates are own little safety bubble it seems even with the economy families can still live with most of there everyday normal commodities.It takes alot to realise what ges on in other part of the world with out living there for sn extended amout of time.

Polgreen, Lydia. "West African Villagers Stake Their Fortunes on the Future Price of Rice." New York Times. 25 January 2009. 8 February 2009.<>

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Blog #2 Overcoming struggle of facing a difficulty!!

Being part of an urban community it is hard to imagine a place with out electricity let alone running water well that is the truth of many small villages in Alaska. Through read the article entitled "Remote and Struggling, but Still a Bit of America" I found out a lot about present day Alaskans and how they live. Well I did not think Alaskans still actually lived in little huts and hunted moose and salmon for all there meals, i thought they had developed more then that but guess again. "Past a fish camp at the river bank, where caught salmon are cleaned and smoked, with carcasses saved for mush dogs. Past the boat he uses to travel hundreds of miles in search of moose and bear and caribou. Past small ducks that he says make for good soup." Can you imagine almost all of your meals u have to hunt, kill, cook, and eat??? People would be a lot less busy with sports and homework. Everyday people have there own little struggles like not having food on the table, but there is always a way to over come them you just have to try. Like in Alaska they have many elements against them while there doing there daily routines, but it doesn't mean that there wont be food it just might take longer and there might be less time to do a fun activity.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blog #1 Natural disaster

Thur some people in different countries are very superstitious China seems to be one that is the most superstitious and the most protective of its superstitions. I read an article about the recent earthquakes in china and how the government was supposedly disregarding information given to them prior to the disaster that could have prevented many deaths.
"Sichuan Province, their stories go, ponds inexplicably drained, cows flung themselves against their enclosures and swarms of toads invaded the streets of a town that was later decimated by the quake. “Why did the government ignore the signs?” asked a writer in one chat room. “Did they not care?”"
Did the government not care? I think even if governments are even using the information they do not always listen to it or see it. Just as parents and children do, parents can tell there children a million times to pick up there things off the floor but the child will still have to be reminded countless times. The U.S. government today has had comments made that they could have seen some of the current problems coming. The Chinese government might not have listened to these superstitions but they might have known in there own minds what was going to happen and that sometimes things just happen for a reason. other nature acts in mysterious ways a disaster to many could be a miracle for others, it's all in the stars.