Sunday, September 21, 2008

Somthing I Read!! Recently!!!!

We got assigned this assignment and i had to find something to read (sorry didn't remember this summers reading) so i picked up the Star Tribune and found an article about the opening of the new 35W in Minneapolis by Jim Foti. A lot of people were cautious about the bridge because of what happened just over a year ago but Richard Kleinschmidt had a calling to be one of the first people to cross the new 35W. The author was talking about how the daily commute will now somewhat change and of some people conquering there fear of the bridge and the tragedy a year ago. This piece was very well put together and I agree that things will change but with some time it always takes people some time to adapt to new things. For example sophomores at Edina coming to the High school for the first day of school and not knowing were many things are and coming into a way different environment is hard to change and adapt to but as the year progresses things happen and eventually students know there way and learn the ways of EHS!!

1 comment:

FriendsofP22 said...

I like the colors, they are very nice